Shipping Instructions
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Step-by-step guide on how to prepare your fresh-cut flowers for safe shipping.
1. Fresh flowers must be shipped overnight ASAP after the event. The sooner the better. (This is to ensure that your flowers will be in the best possible condition for preservation.) You are welcome to choose any shipping company. USPS is usually the most affordable. However, I have had some occasions where the boxes were greatly mistreated. -PLEASE BE AWARE THAT NOT ALL COMPANIES DELIVER ON WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS- If the soonest you can ship is a Friday make sure they will deliver on Saturdays and Sundays. Otherwise, keep them in the fridge in water until you can ship them out the following Monday (Do not store flowers in the fridge if there is fruit inside). They are safer at home vs in a box for multiple days.
2. If possible wrap the blooms with craft paper or newspaper to protect them from bruising/breakage.
2. Wrap a damp paper towel around the bottom of the stems. (If your flower arrangement has floral foam that cannot be removed easily and without damaging the bouquet you can soak it in water). You can seal it with a small bag or tin foil and then tape or wrap a rubber band around them so there are no leaks. (If your flowers don’t have exposed stems skip this step.)
3. Once the stems have been wrapped and sealed you will want to secure them in the box. Make sure you use a strong box. Home Depot has great heavy-duty cardboard boxes If you can find them in the right size. You do not want to smash down any flowers as this can cause bruising and breakage. Please do not leave your flowers free-floating in a box even if you stuff it will paper. The flowers can be secured by putting the stems down in a small box, or plastic cup. You’ll want the blooms to stick out of the top. To secure it in place put the smaller box/cup into the main shipping box and tape it down. Use whatever packaging material you’ve chosen from step 4 to fill the space between the stems and the box/cup so they cannot fall out. (Even if your box is stored upside down you want the blooms to stay in place).
4. DO NOT PACKAGE WITH PLASTIC! No bubble wrap or plastic wrap for cushioning. This creates a pocket of air that traps heat and can very quickly ruin your flowers. Most delivery trucks have no temperature control and will be at least 10 degrees hotter than outside temps. Instead use tissue paper, newspaper, hand towels, or anything gentle that can keep the flowers from being tossed around while traveling. Packing peanuts are also a great option. The more cushion the better! Fill in as much empty space as possible.
5. When in the warmer months of the year OR if your flowers are traveling through states that have higher temperatures YOU MUST tape an icepack or two on the inside of your box to keep your flowers at their freshest. YOU MUST tape the icepack down or as it is moved during delivery your flowers can be smashed, broken, and bruised. As the icepack/s melt, the condensation could weaken the cardboard box. To avoid this you can put the icepack/s in a zip-lock bag and then tape it to the box.
Ps. Please make sure the name on the box matches the name on your order form so I can easily identify who’s flowers I just received. Write “This side up” on all four sides of your box. I have received flowers that were stored upside down for long periods of time. It is up to you if you would like to have FRAGILE on the box.
Please email me at with questions.
For emergencies or urgent questions call me at 918-706-6050.
*Please use the following address: 501 N Isparhecher Beggs OK 74421
If you have an IPhone feel free to screen record this video to save it for later or if you need to share it with family or friends who may be shipping your flowers for you.