Self-Standing Round Floral Block (7”x7”)


Customized with your flowers it will be a stunning statement for your home and a timeless keepsake full of memories! It has a max depth of 3 inches. If you have large elements included for your preservation such as: proteas, pinecones, peonies, etc. I recommend upgrading to a floral block option that has a higher max depth.

Why Framed Edging?

-It adds an elegant and finished look to the final product.

-It removes the sharp edging that occurs from the mold and curing process. (sometimes VERY sharp).

-It saves time and prevents unnecessary top coating (which has the potential to cause a multitude of other problems). This just means you get your products back faster!

-The edges (left as is) are also the most susceptible to chipping if the product is dropped or not handled properly. The framed edging lowers the risk significantly and makes chipping less likely to occur if the product is dropped or knocked off of a shelf.

Most Example Photos are of the old round design. All new orders will be in the shape below. It allows for more flowers and won’t roll off a shelf or table.


Hexagon Floral Block (8"x8") $450.00


Square Floral Block (6"x6") $350.00